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Jameh Mosque in Kokand


Jameh Mosque - is the authentic decoration of the city and the main cathedral mosque in Kokand. The monument of Islamic architecture dates back to 1819-1822. According to historical information, a large cathedral mosque used to stand on this site, but it was destroyed along with the city during the Mongol invasion.

The construction of the Jameh mosque is associated with the ruler Umarkhan (1809-1822). The construction was supervised by a famous architect from the city of Ura-Tube. Under his leadership, at least 200 talented builders and craftsmen worked on finishing.

Today, this monumental structure consists of a large khanaka and a porch with 98 wooden columns surrounding it on three sides, as well as a minaret. The walls of the building are made in the style of ganch, patterns in the style of chaspak, the beams of the porch ceiling are decorated with Islamic motifs in the style of girih, the columns are decorated with carvings, the inner hall is decorated with marble stools. Here, along the perimeter of the building, the hujra- training rooms were located, since the mosque still had a madrasah.

In the center of the courtyard stands a minaret with a height of 22.5 meters. The tower is cone-shaped, the upper part is crowned with a 6-sided dome, without ornament. A winding staircase leads to the top of the tower. From the top of the minaret opens a fascinating view of Kokand. According to legend, it once threw criminals and wives caught in infidelity.

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